52 new experiences in 52 weeks

Hi, I’m Mike. Welcome to this record of my 52 week challenge for 2011.

Yes, this year is going to be BIG BIG BIG!

Not content with merely a career change, full time study and living in paradise, I’ve followed the inspirational lead of my living life to the fullest friend Mark ‘Pootman’ Poot (http://thelifeofeye.wordpress.com/) to take on a new experience on average once a week for the entire year.

I may not have his knack for making easy challenges seem incredibly complicated or his completion of them seem phenomenally courageous, however I’ll bake you some cookies if you tell me you were entertained.

I couldn’t agree with Pootman more though that sometimes in life it’s too easy to get so consumed by routine that you stop looking around for adventure and challenge.  And, after all, we only live this life once.  As far as I know.

Anyone who has travelled for any length of time knows how open you are to new ideas and new experiences.  Sometimes when in a routine you are much more closed to these opportunities.  Forget that!  This year is all about opening heart and mind and enjoying more of the amazing experiences that this incredible world of ours has to offer.

This year I’m going to breathe and flow.  Enjoy the ride.

3 responses to “52 new experiences in 52 weeks

  • Brettule

    Good work dude. I look forward to the posts. Don’t let Pooty claim all the credit!

  • Kevin B

    Mate – fantastic blog – I just read / watched the whole thing and I am looking forward to the next installment! What will it be I wonder!?

    Much respect to you for free hugs and silent disco – inspiring.

    Have you ever read the book YES MAN by Danny Wallace?
    Maybe your next NEW challenge could be to have a day where you have to answer YES to everything that is asked of you… everything! (perhaps don’t let people know what day that is though!!!)

    Catch you soon,

  • Michael Burns

    Great idea on Yes man Kevin. I might have to be careful which day I choose. I’ll probably be at the Mind Body Spirit festival today, and if today was the day I’d end up signed up for every course and retreat known to man! That in itself could be interesting though, haha.

    Glad you’ve enjoyed reading the blog mate. Has been a fascinating year.


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