Challenge 50: Fish Farm

Maria was driving the stunningly forested winding road between Healseville and Marysville. We passed a sign saying ‘Trout Farm’ and on a whim Maria swung the wheel last minute and in we went. Most of my previous fishing experiences involved a lot of wondering where all the fish were. At a fish farm that thought doesn’t enter your head. There were fish everywhere! The ponds were crammed full of them. Some of the fish were clearly hungrier than others, as in one pond we had no luck.  Apparently they have ponds that are harder to catch fish in for those who want more of a challenge. In the pond we chose the fish were queuing up to jump on the line. Maria jagged one first cast, and the only difficult part was trying to get the fish to be still while I pulled the hook out of its mouth. I caught a rainbow trout too, and for a few extra dollars we had it filleted, cleaned and on ice.

This farm was amazing, it had BBQ’s everywhere and seemed to have all you could want for a day out fishing.  They sure tasted great on the BBQ that night as we met my sister and her family in Yarrawonga for New Years.  The fish my nephew had pulled out of the Murray River the day before tasted even better.  Happy 2012!


Fishing made easy

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