Challenge 49: Hot air ballooning

I’m not afraid of romance. It was a milestone birthday for Maria, and we celebrated with a surprise birthday treat. Well, half a surprise (better than none). When I requested she get up with me at 4am for her birthday she was wise enough to connect the dots. My misdirection about a morning hike to see the sunrise didn’t really work too well.  We were in the beautiful Yarra Valley, North East of Melbourne, and were staying in town for a few nights of good lovin’.

It was around 4:30am as we sat in a winery full of people, half asleep, half excited. We chatted with a couple at the beginning as we had tea, started to wake up, and waited for the pilots to work out where they wanted to fly from. The wind direction was hard for them to pick, as every test balloon they let go of simply went straight up until it was out of sight.  Apparently sometimes there can be too little wind!  Of course, that does depend somewhat on whose company you keep. 

It was a chilly morning as we waited, but after several site changes they made their decision.  It was game on!

It was a great experience, filling these graceful balloons full of hot air and watching them slowly lift into the sky. We looked over and saw that the couple we’d chatted with at the beginning had a balloon to themselves with the words ‘will you marry me’ on the side.  Wish I’d thought of that!  She was caught completely by surprise, and of course said yes. It was very funny hearing her account afterward as we enjoyed our champagne breakfast.

The balloon rose up and up, and we went all the way through the clouds…until we were above the clouds and all we could see was the sun beginning to rise behind the mountains, and white fluffy stuff everywhere. It was a beautiful experience, and an amazing way to start the day. So silent, so serene.  So floaty.  Who knew getting up so early in the morning could be so rewarding?

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