Challenge 5 – Writing this blog!

Man, this took some work to get going. I had the page open and staring at me for a week. I played a little with trying to find a decent theme (it appears Pooty has already taken the only cool one) and find my way around. I got bored pretty quick and left it for another week. Then I came up with the brainwave of actually writing these entries first, then pasting them in. I figured that with some content the site will look more interesting and I’ll be more motivated to tweak it!

Although even with some content I was scratching my head a bit when I looked at it, and kept putting it off. I’ve now returned to it and hope that today will be the day I make it functional!

I remember talking to a career coach last year and telling him I love writing. ‘Oh yeah’ he said. ‘What do you write?’. I didn’t write anything much, just the occasional poem or diary entry. He’s right you know. If you really want to do something or love to do it, then there’s no better way to practise it, have fun with it and play with it than just doing it! Thanks again to maestro Poot for the inspiration.

It turns out that Blog isn’t just a stupid sounding word. It’s a great way to dump out thoughts, ideas and all manner of ill thought rubbish with which to bore anyone with too much time on their hands. Oh dear, did I just break a golden rule of blogging by insulting my readers? Nah, you have to have readers for that to happen, haha. Let me know if you were insulted, we’ll do a quick survey. I’m a quick learner, and if there are more people insulted than not I’ll change my blogging ways. Honest.

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