Challenge 1 – NLP course

Having been blessed with a redundancy last year I decided that 2011 was going to be a major year of change. Why work 5 days a week when you can be out swimming and snorkelling, chilling out in the back yard with a good book, or partying on Wayne?

Ok, so this isn’t the entirety of my plan for 2011, but it sure has been a great start!

Did I ever tell you about my amazing job for the last 3 years, where I not only worked with great people but I was able to surf at lunch, or play squash, or tennis, or go for a run on the beach? Where the gym paid you to attend and had great pilates classes. No? Liar. I told everyone!

Needless to say it not only provided 3 great years on Sydney’s beautiful northern beaches and made me some great friends, it helped get me addicted to surfing. It also reminded me that although quite good at working with technology, my real strengths lie in working with people. And so for 8 days at the start of this year I did a course in Neuro Linguistic Programming. Otherwise known as mind control.



Well, more about control of your own mind, although it gives you some great tools for working with other people and their beliefs, as well as some insights into the workings of the subconscious. The use of language and patterns of behaviour…all fascinating stuff. This lends itself well to helping people work with patterns of behaviour they would like to change, or with reducing the emotional content of memories to help people move past blocks. I intend to use it to improve the areas of my life that need work, and in the process learn skills that I can use to help others. This year I intend to breathe and flow.

Another challenge for later this year will be a hypnotherapy course I plan to take. I plan to hypnotise some of my friends and plant a suggestion that they would love to financially contribute to my new career. Haha. No, I’m sure that’s not even possible. Or is it? I will be looking for vict…er…volunteers later in the year, so stay tuned!

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